Saturday, February 7, 2015


Blog posting is a time consuming thing as we try to polish our own thoughts and ideas regularly to obtain quality content. A blogger's job is not done when he publish a blog post, he needs to put some efforts on promotions to reach out more readers. Hence, sharing blog posts to popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc is very important.

As sharing every blog posts to social networks is a time consuming as well as irritating activity, we always want sharing to be automated. So, how to share your blog posts to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? Follow the steps below.

1. First of all go to
2. Sign up there and confirm your email address.
3. Login and click on create new feed option.
4. Give a name to your feed and add source URL. The source URL should be feed address of your blogger blog. For example, my feed address is:
Replace my blog URL with yours to obtain your default feed address of your blogger blog.
5. Now go to advanced settings and tune in the options given (update frequency, how link will be shown etc) according to your wish.
6. Authenticate the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc) to which you want the blog posts share.
7. That's all. You're done. Now you don't need to share your blog posts manually.

I hope this blogger tip will certainly help you. If you have any doubts, please feel free to comment below.

Friday, February 6, 2015


By scheduling a blog post you are setting up to post it automatically on desired time. Scheduling blog posts is important for a professional blogger as the blog posts can be published consistently and regularly. If you are a blogger who write two or more posts at a time and want to publish them at different time intervals then you definitely need to know how to schedule your blog posts in blogger platform.

You don't need any additional widget or plugin as scheduling is an embedded feature in blogger. Now, follow the steps below and schedule publishing of your blog post at desired time.

1. Login to blogger and go to the post editor (just click create new post).
2. Write your blog post.
3. Under the post settings on the right side you can see Schedule and click on it.
4. Now select Set date and time and a calendar will appear.
5. Choose your desired time and date for publishing the written blog post.
6. And finally, don't forget to click on publish so that the blog post will be published at the scheduled time.

I hope this short tutorial would help you to maintain your timing in publishing blog posts. If you want to know how to embed YouTube video in your blog, then check out this link.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


No blog is perfect in the blogosphere. At anytime Google can show up 404 ERROR PAGE NOT FOUND as it fails to crawl into your blog. A new visitor who sees the message never consider again to come to your site intentionally. So, in order to keep the visitors stick to your blog, it's better to redirect the page showing the message 404 Error to the homepage automatically.
Follow the steps below to redirect error pages to your homepage.
1. Go to the blogger dashboard.
2. Select the Settings from the left side and click on Search Preferences from the drop down.
3. Now you can see an empty box near the option Custom Page Not Found.
4. Copy and paste the following JavaScript to the box.
Sorry, the page you're looking for in this blog does not exist.
You will be redirected to homepage shortly.
<script type = "text/javascript">
BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
location.pathname= "/"
}, 5000);
5. Save the settings and you are done.
NB: You can tweak the above code yourself. If you want to redirect the error page to some other address then replace pathname with href and with the URL. If you want to change the delay time (in milliseconds) replace 5000 with a convenient number.
I hope this blogger tip will help you to keep in your new visitors.