Thursday, March 19, 2015


Friends come and go but best friends stay forever. In my dictionary, togetherness means friendship. So the depth of friendship measures the strength of togetherness. It's very easy to say we are together forever, but how many are keeping their words?

Friends come and go. Yes, I have different friends for different phases of my life. In school, in college, in the workplace, etc., my friends are replaced when I move on to different aspects of life. But few of them are not replaceable and of course they are my best friends.

Here, I want to share my feeling of togetherness with one of my best friends, Smitha. She is my school friend and she and I were in the same classroom, from first standard to the tenth standard. But our friendship started only from fifth class- when I borrowed a pen from her.

Pen, pencil, scale... our friendship flourished by exchanging these things. My character has many similarities with her. I think that's the main reason behind the strong bond between us. There were no shortage of rumours and gossips. Gossip guys thought we were lovers, but the relationship between us was pure friendship.

After tenth class, we preferred different paths, I completed higher secondary education and joined a management college to pursue the B. Sc in Hotel Management and Catering Services whereas she preferred a career in finance. Even though we were not together (physically), intensity of friendship was constant.

Things changed. We both got jobs in respective fields. I was always busy and tired with the 12 hour job. Ridiculous change in working shifts made me to cut down social interactions. I didn't realise that I was moving away from my friendships.

When we are not together physically, the chances of losing friends are high. We are blessed with advanced technology that facilitates us to use social networks like Facebook and WhatsApp but the modern lifestyle encourages us to bring down social interactions.

The reasons for losing friends can't be justified. After a few months, I realised I am not in touch with my Smitha for more than six months, but still I wasn't in a mood to bring back the sinking friendship. The unwanted complex hidden inside my heart prevented me to call her.

God has some other plans. Two weeks before, She and her dad came to the restaurant of my hotel. We met unexpectedly at the front office. I can't explain my feelings when I saw her. We both were super thrilled to see after two years. With permission of my manager, I spent some time with her. We had a lot to talk and a lot to laugh.

The unexpected meeting with her again brought back the we are together forever feeling. Within a few minutes, we realised that our friendship is not going to fade away and it's going to get stronger and sharper. Now, I have promised to  myself to never lose this friendship for any reason.

Feeling of togetherness is awesome. Hence, keep your friendships alive to maintain happiness.
Be #together and live awesome.

Image: Free licensed


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