Thursday, March 19, 2015


Starting a new life is very challenging. Hence, bold decisions are required to breathe new life. By starting a new life, what I mean is a deviation from ordinary river like flowing life. Changes and challenges are the two important ingredients in setting up a new life.

My school days were over when I completed higher secondary education. Teenage phase of the life is over and it's the time to enter young adult phase. Moreover, it was the time to take decision on my career. After plus two, we have to choose a new path to build up our career in future.

The society in which I live know only two paths to choose after plus two: Medicine and Engineering. But I have my own interests. My interests always revolve around Food. So I started my own research to find a new career that matches my interests. My search ended in Hotel Management studies.

I needed a new life after school days and I decided to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management and Catering Service. Considering the situations looming around, it was a bold decision for me. Moreover, I preferred distant education so that I can do part-time jobs.

My plus two marks were impressive and hence, my decision to join a course other than Medicine and Engineering become controversial. Even my parents couldn't find my decision digestive. My relatives declared my bold decision as poor and immature decision, but I wasn't going to rethink.

I determined to start a new life by following my interests. Even though many raised concerns over my decision, they faded away gradually. As my priority was given to my interests, learning Hotel Management was so easy for me. I also had a part-time work in a three star hotel near to my college.

Having a part-time job gave me more freedom. I earned my own pocket money without depending on parents. I also found Hotel Management field is not rush as other fields and hence getting a job is relatively easy. With the time running, I realised that my decision to prefer Hotel field was perfect for me.

As soon as I graduate, I got a job in a five star hotel in the city as front office assistant. Now, I am happy with my job. I never felt my work as a boring or killing one. My work is blended with my interests and hence, my love for the work is increasing day by day. I am happier now because I will be promoted to the post of Front Office Manager from next month onwards.

Shortly, the reward I am getting now is a result of my bold decision I took four years ago. If you are clear about your vision and interests, then don't hesitate to take bold decisions to start a new life.

Watch the video given below.


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